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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet.
Only through experience of trial and suffering
can the soul be strengthened,
vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.

~ Helen Keller ~


I am humbled as I write out all there is to be thankful for,
I noticed on my list there were many thanks for all that has been taken away.. sometimes it's what has been taken from me that allows me to be thankful for what I have & what I truly NEED in life, & what I can afford to omit. If I don't receive one more blessing, Grace is enough! Grace is sufficient for me today!

Monday, November 22, 2010


The quickest way for a parent to get a child's attention
is to sit down and look comfortable.-- Lane Olinhouse

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I love that this was the devotional for November 16th.. Logans Birthday

Stand Strong in God’s Grace
By Max Lucado

This is the true grace of God. Stand strong in that grace. I Peter 5:12

Up the hill we trudge. Weary, wounded hearts wrestling with unresolved mistakes. Sighs of anxiety. Tears of frustration. Words of rationalization. Moans of doubt…

Jesus stands on life’s most barren hill and waits with outstretched, nail-pierced hands. A “crazy, holy grace” it has been called. A type of grace that doesn’t hold up to logic. But then… grace doesn’t have to be logical. If it did, it wouldn’t be grace.

His perfect Grace covers all.. embrace it!


The Charlie Brown Christmas at ICE was awesome, and freezing! I think it was a whole 7 degrees in there. The nativity scene was my favorite- what an incredible display! We had a blast with our awesome Aunt Liz and our best buddy Parker! Thank you for sharing this special day with us, we LOVE you!!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

happy 1st Birthday to you!

This morning Logan had his "birthday waffle" and me and Grammy sang Happy Birthday to him!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Happy Birthday Party to the Sunshine of my life

The last twelve months have been the best, yet, of my life! This celebration was very special for many reasons. As we celebrate little Logan turning ONE year old, it is also a celebration of LIFE and has been a time for me to reflect on the many blessings over the last twelve months. As we sang happy birthday to Logan Saturday, I couldn't help but look around to see the many faces that have poured their unconditional love and support into our lives.
To make his birthday weekend celebration even BETTER Logan took his FIRST real steps Sunday, Nov 14th! YAY, GO LOGAN GO!

Logan, you truly are the "sunshine of my life". You are my bright and "shining STAR",

-your biggest fan


Friday, November 12, 2010

every moment is an adventure

If I don't write it down, I forget it. I am convinced that my short term memory loss that occured during pregnancy never ceased, because if I don't put it on a list, post it, in my planner, it leaves my brain!
This particular morning (very early morning) with Loganbear at Wally World was a bit frustrating, as I roamed aimlessly from aisle to aisle trying to recall what was on my grocery list! In tact one moment, turn my head for 3 seconds, POOF. GONE!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

million.dollar. smile.

So excited for Logans FIRST birthday party! I cannot believe it's been a year, already. I am so thrilled to share this with family, and our dear friends that have been a true blessing to both of us. We appreciate you all more than words can say, or write. The love and support through this year long journey has been incredible. Looking forward to sharing these fond memories with Logan as he grows up and SEES how good God is!

This time of year has always been my favorite. The colors of Fall - the greens, golds, orange, and brown. The turning leaves, the hot chocolate (and coffee), scarves and gloves to keep me warm. Big fluffy sweatshirts are the BEST this time of year! My favorite smell is the scent of burning firewood in the cold crisp air. I love nothing more than to walk around in downtown Grapevine to window shop and visit the little boutiques along the historic downtown. Southlake also offers a great experience in the town square with lights galore, Starbucks, and shopping! Most importantly, this time of year always makes me long to be with those I love. Family and friends. Logan was born November 16th, so this only adds to the joyous season quickly approaching. This only makes it THAT much better!!!

Thankful today, for so much and for so many!

~Logan's Mom

While I breathe, I hope. ~latin proverb

I pray I never put anything before Christ, and HIS call for my life. I hope that Logan doesn't just hear about Gods power and faithfulness, but that he sees God's power and promise lived out in our family. I hope that he understands he is HIS masterpiece, His treasure. I hope that Logan doesn't seek approval from the world, but from an Audience of One. I hope that as I parent him God will fully equip me with the right words to speak life into him, edifying him, affirming him, believing in him, encouraging him, as he grows into the young man God has designed him to be.
I hope that he understands his worth, his value. And most of all, his purpose.

If I would add anything on to this quote, it would be "While I breathe, MY hope is in HIM."