I was asked to fill out this questionaire for a blog for a photographers website. I thought I'd like to share it with Logan one day.
1) {Live Your Passions}is all about doing more of what you love. What are you most passionate about?
People. I love people. And being a mother.
2) What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?
Live your life now. Make the most of what you have, where you are. I think a lot of people think that credentials on the wall, degrees, money, even a person, allows them to really start living life. When they finally have their "ducks in a row" they can really LIVE. But we have to live right now, and live it to the fullest regardless of economic or marital status. 3) Life can be brutal. Where do you find your inspiration during the darker times?
My son Logan, and my journal. Sometimes it helps to look back over months, or even years to see where God has brought you. It helps keep things in perspective when life throws a curveball. 4) What is the hardest thing about being a mom?
Trust. I am not proud to admit it, but trusting the Lord completely and with all I am with my son has been a challenge. But it's also drawn me closer to Him at the same time. Trust is a hard thing when it comes to your children. I always want the very best, but I know that the Lord has great plans for Logan. That are far better than mine could ever be. 5) What is the most rewarding part?
I believe it's the most sacred of responsibilities, and definitely the most rewarding. I love the scripture that talks about children being a heritage from the Lord, and a reward. They truly are. Lifes greatest blessing.6) If you could leave just one imprint in the heart and mind of your son, what would it be?
I think of legacy; I would want him to remember my faith in the Lord and my devotion to him as a mother. I think if it boiled down to one thing, I just want him to know Jesus Christ.