I had a "bad day" this week. We all have them. Those days when you just want to crawl back into bed, pull the covers over your head, and start it over. A re-do day. A rewinding of events. Maybe a "Delete" button.
Unfortunately, that isn't reality.
But, what I learned this week after a very "bad day", was that my bad days are not truly bad. If I didn't learn something through them, then I think I can justify labeling them as such. But since I learned from this bad day, I realize it wasn't at all as bad as it seemed at the moment.
I will never forget this day. I won't forget the moment my mind was in a wirlwind, and I was struggling to grasp the reason such a bad thing could happen. Why now? What now? went through my mind. I had Logan with me. I looked down and saw two things. 1. The little boy gripping my hand, and the smile my son had on his face. 2. the hot pink bracelet on my wrist that says Love- Avery Love.
I remembered the smiling face of a little girl who has Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Avery Love. In that very moment of chaos, confusion, and in the midst of my bad day I was reminded of all I have. Of all I don't have. And all I'm thankful for.
Everyone has a bad day, noone is immune to it. But I encourage you to take a step back, and take a closer look at all the "good". Because there is a lot of it to behold.
Beautiful Jen.