I used to sometimes look at other friends/families with tear filled eyes and think to myself " What a great family- what a wonderful man she has at her side to help her with the every day tasks that children bring,even to help carry groceries or prepare a meal. To comfort her, encourage and love on her,," and that list goes on. Today my perspective is different as I rest assured that I am partnering with the Jehovah-Jireh, the ultimate Provider! The Keeper of the Stars.
As I think back over the last 12 months and ALL the many blessings, I am overwhelmed. To all of you who have gone above and beyond and helped Logan and I out of your great generosity, I thank you! Whether it was a free car repair, gifts, helping to have my A/C fixed in the middle of our HOT Texas summer , I thank you. Offering to babysit Logan when I needed a (reliable) sitter at the last minute. Whether it was that much needed phone call, email, text,card,surprise, to lift my spirit- you know who you are and I thank you. Those motivating and encouraging conversations that push me, challenge me, and renew my strength, I thank you. For the "sisters" who have taught me to see things that seem bitter, as sweet- I'm thankful for you and the words of life you've spoken into mine. I'm thankful for my family, friends, and my "other family", Gods Church. I'm thankful for the support system that God Himself has provided and I don't take one single relationship for granted.
God has proven to me that He will not give us trials, circumstances, that we cannot endure, persevere, and conquer.
With Him, we can do anything! What a great year it has been!
Happy New Year to all of you and your families!
We love you!
Jen n Logan
Memories in the making... Psalm 139:13-14 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.
My Playlist
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
the best time of year!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
always be my baby
"If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together.. there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart.. I’ll always be with you."
-- Winnie the Pooh
I never ever want my son to not SEE the depth of my love and commitment as a mother, I pray I never fall short of not just telling him but showing him and living that commitment out daily to my family.
-- Winnie the Pooh
I never ever want my son to not SEE the depth of my love and commitment as a mother, I pray I never fall short of not just telling him but showing him and living that commitment out daily to my family.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
All I Want For Christmas

This Christmas is, different. Not different in a negative way, rather quite the contrary.
In my opinion, there is no better time of year than now to take a step back, pause, to reflect on all there is to be thankful for. I just had Logans One Year portraits taken and as I was comparing his Newborn photo shoot to his One Year, I couldn't help but to notice the change, growth, and beauty that has taken place over the last year. I couldn't help but to be overwhelmed with joy as I thought about how GRATEFUL I am for this child. A baby truly does change everything. It changes the way I see people, how I interact with them, it changes the way I look at children and their innocence. It changes how I view this thing called "parenting"- as I understand better what a privelage and honor this is. It has grown me, and my faith in the Lord. I've learned a new level of compassion. It has allowed me to take that step back, and just be thankful. For health, for family, and for the simple things I can easily take for granted.
This year Christmas is extra special. Logan and I have had an incredible year together, and I am so humbled and grateful for all that God has done in our lives. Logan has brought more joy to my life this year, than I ever dreamed possible.
As I think about what I want for Christmas, it's so obvious to me that I have ALL I want for Christmas, and so much more.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas, spent with those you hold so dear. Cherish those moments with them, and make beautiful memories this holiday season!
Merry Christmas from our family to yours!!
Jen & Logan
One Year photos to come...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
the not so graceful morning
I love that God uses our failings and bad days as teachable moments. He can take any wrong in our life and turn it to good, if we let Him.
This morning has been one of those mornings- Logan was up crying for me to get him out of bed at 5am on the dot and I begrudgingly rolled out of bed with my grumpy face on and told him to go back to bed. Well... that didn't work so he kept on fussing until we were both wide awake.
This morning I had to remember this: God USES our bad days. Those are the times when I am most teachable.
After scurrying from the car to the daycare this morning I very qiuckly dropped him off and headed back to my car to be on my way to work. I sat in my car and thought "Is that fair? Is it fair to Logan that since I was having a rough start to my day that he is rushed around, and not extended the appropriate amount of grace he so deserves?" I got back out of my car, walked back into his school, got him settled in the way I usually do each morning at drop off. I loved on him, kissed him, and told him I love you calmly, without rushing off.
Parenting isn't the easiest thing. Our lives are going to be full of days that are crazy, complicated, and sometimes extremely hard. It can be hard on you when your to do list is longer than your day, and you can’t find your way through the noise and confusion of parenting and life. If I can just reflect on all the grace that's been shown to me, constantly, it helps me to live that out in my family.
This morning has been one of those mornings- Logan was up crying for me to get him out of bed at 5am on the dot and I begrudgingly rolled out of bed with my grumpy face on and told him to go back to bed. Well... that didn't work so he kept on fussing until we were both wide awake.
This morning I had to remember this: God USES our bad days. Those are the times when I am most teachable.
After scurrying from the car to the daycare this morning I very qiuckly dropped him off and headed back to my car to be on my way to work. I sat in my car and thought "Is that fair? Is it fair to Logan that since I was having a rough start to my day that he is rushed around, and not extended the appropriate amount of grace he so deserves?" I got back out of my car, walked back into his school, got him settled in the way I usually do each morning at drop off. I loved on him, kissed him, and told him I love you calmly, without rushing off.
Parenting isn't the easiest thing. Our lives are going to be full of days that are crazy, complicated, and sometimes extremely hard. It can be hard on you when your to do list is longer than your day, and you can’t find your way through the noise and confusion of parenting and life. If I can just reflect on all the grace that's been shown to me, constantly, it helps me to live that out in my family.
Movin on up

This morning my son started his first day of "big boy school". I am excited about all that he is about to learn, but I must admit I'm a little sad too. Last night I just stared at him as he played just in awe of how much he has changed. He may not be a "baby" anymore, but he will always be my baby boy, always.
Were finally able to turn our rear facing carseat around to forward facing! Today is a big day, for a big boy.
Logan, Mommy is SO proud to be your Mommy. I have the best job in this world! I love you son, to the moon and back.
your biggest fan,
You're my favorite little monkey.
Friday, December 3, 2010
our mornings are always an adventure!
Wednesday morning Logan and I were running a tad bit behind, our first day back at school and work after Thanksgiving break. We had both been sick over the holiday break, so getting back into routine can be slow moving. After scurrying around the house getting ready for work, and getting him dressed (in a hurry) I put Logan in the car and attempted to buckle him in his carseat. I was a little surprised to notice his little arm muscles were bulging through his little sweatshirt- the straps were extra tight. I unbuckled him, took his hoody off and could not help but crack up laughing at his right arm just bulging with muscle! Now I know Logan is growing quickly, and seems to be having a growth spurt but there's just no way! I started giggling uncontrollably as I couldn't believe how hilarious it looked, and of course Logan started laughing too! I reached in his sleeve and pulled out a dirty sock. Yes, a dirty sock that somehow, someway was lodged in his sleeve so perfectly that it appeared he grew muscles overnight. I couldn't stop laughing the whole ride to school, and though he didn't fully udnerstand what I was laughing at he laughed along with me! I still giggle as I remember this morning... oh the joys of parenthood. Oh how I love that child.
I asked him if he was taking his muscles to school to show off for the girls..... LOL. My sweet son...
I asked him if he was taking his muscles to school to show off for the girls..... LOL. My sweet son...
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