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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

the not so graceful morning

I love that God uses our failings and bad days as teachable moments. He can take any wrong in our life and turn it to good, if we let Him.

This morning has been one of those mornings- Logan was up crying for me to get him out of bed at 5am on the dot and I begrudgingly rolled out of bed with my grumpy face on and told him to go back to bed. Well... that didn't work so he kept on fussing until we were both wide awake.
This morning I had to remember this: God USES our bad days. Those are the times when I am most teachable.
After scurrying from the car to the daycare this morning I very qiuckly dropped him off and headed back to my car to be on my way to work. I sat in my car and thought "Is that fair? Is it fair to Logan that since I was having a rough start to my day that he is rushed around, and not extended the appropriate amount of grace he so deserves?" I got back out of my car, walked back into his school, got him settled in the way I usually do each morning at drop off. I loved on him, kissed him, and told him I love you calmly, without rushing off.

Parenting isn't the easiest thing. Our lives are going to be full of days that are crazy, complicated, and sometimes extremely hard. It can be hard on you when your to do list is longer than your day, and you can’t find your way through the noise and confusion of parenting and life. If I can just reflect on all the grace that's been shown to me, constantly, it helps me to live that out in my family.

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