This Christmas is, different. Not different in a negative way, rather quite the contrary.
In my opinion, there is no better time of year than now to take a step back, pause, to reflect on all there is to be thankful for. I just had Logans One Year portraits taken and as I was comparing his Newborn photo shoot to his One Year, I couldn't help but to notice the change, growth, and beauty that has taken place over the last year. I couldn't help but to be overwhelmed with joy as I thought about how GRATEFUL I am for this child. A baby truly does change everything. It changes the way I see people, how I interact with them, it changes the way I look at children and their innocence. It changes how I view this thing called "parenting"- as I understand better what a privelage and honor this is. It has grown me, and my faith in the Lord. I've learned a new level of compassion. It has allowed me to take that step back, and just be thankful. For health, for family, and for the simple things I can easily take for granted.
This year Christmas is extra special. Logan and I have had an incredible year together, and I am so humbled and grateful for all that God has done in our lives. Logan has brought more joy to my life this year, than I ever dreamed possible.
As I think about what I want for Christmas, it's so obvious to me that I have ALL I want for Christmas, and so much more.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas, spent with those you hold so dear. Cherish those moments with them, and make beautiful memories this holiday season!
Merry Christmas from our family to yours!!
Jen & Logan
One Year photos to come...
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