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Thursday, January 27, 2011

the grace factor

Logan will only be little this one time..and I have come to realize this "time" is far too short as he grows so fast. I believe wholeheartedly that the new level of patience and selflessness I have learned through mothering Logan has grown me into more of a woman that I'm designed to be. I just hope I don't lose sight of this amazing privelage that only I have been granted, to be Logans Mom.

I have had to remind myself of this more lately than ever before, as he has been off of his normal sleep schedule (waking me up at 3 am), eating the dogfood, and testing his boundaries at the blink of my eyes. I have to remind myself "He's only little this one time... he's only one year old this one year." As my dear friend says often, "This is a season." It's not permenant.(Thankfully!)

I believe that parenting GRACEFULLY is a choice we have to make, daily. It's something I have to constantly be reminded of, the grace factor. I will choose to love gracefully, because I love Logan more than I love myself. Because I want to give him the very best of me, and I want him to see those qualities in me, grace, compassion, mercy, tenderness.

Thankful for the little boy, that makes me constantly yearn to be a better woman... Logan Pierce.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new." - Rajneesh